IOM Turkey organized a capacity-building training on Migration, Environment, and Climate Change on 16-17 December in Ankara.

Employees from several units of the IOM Turkey Office attended the training given by IOM Regional Migration, Environment and Climate Change Senior Specialist Soumyadeep Banerjee.

During two days, the participants looked into the "environmental migration" concept in the context of migration.

The key focus of the training was the impact of the "environmental migration" on countries, in particular in the context of Turkey. The participants also discussed policy development to prepare and respond to migration issues caused by climate change.

Among other topics, the training covered the nexus between migration and environment; disasters and mobility; environmental change and mobility; data and methodological issues; legal perspectives; regional focus and integrating mobility into national climate change policies.

In 2015, IOM established a separate unit at the global level to work on migration, environment, and climate change, contribute to respective policies and raise awareness of the matter among the country members. ( )