The International Organization for Migration (IOM) Turkey Office Labour Migration and Human Development Unit, Republic of Turkey Ministry of Foreign Affairs- Directorate General of Consular Affairs and Republic of Turkey Ministry of Labour and Social Security- Directorate General of International Labour Force (DGILF) jointly organized a training entitled “The Essentials of Migration Management- EMM2.0”.

The training, which was aimed at Foreign Ministry-consular personnel and labour attachés was held on November 8, 2021, and November 12, 2021, as three half-day sessions. Officials from IOM, Republic of Turkey Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DGILF and Republic of Turkey Ministry of Interior-Presidency of Migration Management attended the training. 

Information and experiences were shared about labour migration and tackling human trafficking during the training. Plus, basic information on migration management was provided to officials and all stakeholders who are interested in working in the area of migration. 

IOM officials made presentations on international migration, international labour migration and tackling human trafficking and answered the questions of the participants. 

The training provided practical guidance on migration management on the day-to-day work of government officials, particularly officials who are dealing with migration. 

The event was held as part of the “Public-Private Partnerships (PPP): Facilitating Legal Pathways for the International Labour Force in Turkey” Project, implemented by IOM in close cooperation with DGILF since October 1, 2020, and supported by the United Kingdom.