IOM Turkey in coordination with the Resident Coordinator’s Office (RCO) leads UN agencies and government partners in reviewing a Needs Assessment on the implementation of the Global Compact on Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration (GCM) in Turkey.  

The United Nations Network on Migration (Network) has been established to ensure effective, timely and coordinated system-wide support to the Member States on migration as they respond to the GCM. The UNMN aims to establish and implement a coordination mechanism within the UN System in Turkey and with Directorate General for Migration Management (DGMM), as GCM responsible governmental agency, to ensure programme complementarity with UNSDCF, aiming at contributing to state lead efforts to implement GCM objectives.  

UNMN in coordination with the DGMM and relevant governmental authorities has been designing and carrying out an assessment to identify Turkey’s GCM immediate priorities for the upcoming period till the International Migration Review Forum (IMRF) in 2022. The final findings of the needs assessment will inform the Common Country Assessment and will shape the Terms of Reference and work plan of UNMN in Turkey. In order to carry out the GCM Needs Assessment, IOM Turkey had contracted a national consultant. 

The consultant has been drafting the Needs Assessment Report in close coordination with IOM Turkey, several departments of DGMM such as; Combatting Irregular Migration Department, Foreign Relations Department and Harmonization, Department of the Protection of Victims of Human Trafficking and Communication Department,  Ministry of Labour and Social Security – Directorate General on International Labour Force (DGILF), Turkish National Police – Department of Counter Migrant Smuggling and Border Gates, Ministry of National Education - Directorate General for Lifelong Learning.  

This report aims to identify short, medium and long term run GCM objectives, prioritized by the Government of Turkey in line with the UNSDCF 2021-2025, and provide support in the preparation of the national voluntary review report for IMRF in 2022; propose working modalities for UNMN coupled with SOPs (UN and DGMM/ governmental authorities coordination, reporting, monitoring and evaluation). 

For these aims, GCM Needs Assessment Validation Meeting was organized in Ankara on 24 June 2021. This meeting provided a chance for governmental partners to review the report and to provide further support and information before finalization.