The Chief of Mission of IOM Turkey and UNDP Turkey Resident Representative exchanged letters on 23 March 2021 in recognition of a new IOM-UNDP Framework of Action. The framework solidifies IOM and UNDP’s commitment to work together in areas of common interest in Turkey. The proposed collaboration focuses on furthering the existing work the organizations do with related stakeholders, achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and taking new action in several areas of common interest. The agreed cooperation also contributes to IOM’s and UNDP’s Global Initiatives and is a part of the ongoing activities related to country-level work. 


IOM Turkey supports programmes to develop capacities in migration management, improve the well-being of migrant communities as well as promote social cohesion among host and migrant communities. IOM is committed to fulfilling the objectives outlined in the Global Compact for Migration (GCM). In line with the GCM, IOM enhances cooperation and partnerships among all relevant stakeholders to facilitate safe, orderly and regular migration and to take effective steps at all stages of migration. For this purpose, IOM will work with UNDP to integrate the GCM objectives into their work in cooperation with the Government of Turkey and other UN agencies.