A meeting was held with the IOM secondees and officials working at the migrant services and community centres of Ankara, Adana, Gaziantep, Mersin and Şanlıurfa Municipalities. 

IOM Turkey Labour Mobility and Human Development (LHD) Unit and Turkey’s Directorate General of International Labour Force (DGILF) officials also attended the online meeting which was held on April 27, 2021, within the framework of the “Public-Private Partnerships (PPP): Facilitating Legal Pathways for the International Labour Force in Turkey” project.

While a brief information regarding the PPP project was provided, the need for more information on issues such as work permits and their procedures, labour rights and responsibilities, occupational health and safety, etc. also emphasised during the meeting. 

In this context, possible ways of helping the inclusion of migrant workers in the labour market by the migrant worker services and community centres in municipalities were also discussed. 

At the meeting, officials decided to continue the webinars which will be organised by IOM Turkey and DGILF in order to meet the needs of the migrant services and community centres. 

Aim of the PPP Project:

The PPP project is built upon many years of experience by IOM Turkey and DGILF working together to contribute to the Government of Turkey’s strategic priorities in the labour migration sector.

DGILF and IOM aim to facilitate dialogue between public and private partners to promote regular labour migration, including regularisation of existing migrant workers in employment, and mitigate risks stemming from informal employment practices, increase inter-institutional cooperation related to sustainable labour market integration of migrants with diverse status and enhance preventive labour inspection guidance practices for migrant workers. 

Therefore, the project will build upon previous efforts of IOM and DGILF in developing a comprehensive labour migration management system in line with the national framework.