Prof. Dr Füsun Akkök, IOM Emergency Coordinator Mr David Savard, and Senior National Programme Officer Dr Yelda Devlet Karapınar attended a webinar titled "Career Guidance for All" to point out the importance of providing support to disadvantaged groups such as migrants, low-skilled workers, those not in education, employment or training (NEET)) to create a better society for all. Over 200 international participants attended the webinar and IOM Turkey representatives introduced its activities and programmes aiming to improve conditions for vulnerable groups. IOM Turkey’s career guidance programming is designed to support individuals as they learn about themselves and their place in the world. Moreover, it supports the creation of a better society with dignity, livelihood and respect underpinning both social integration and cohesion. The webinar focused aon a range of career guidance interventions that support migrants to identify good and interesting policies and practices.