The Pre-Employment Support Programme for Syrians under Temporary Protection (SuTP) and Host Communities which was launched in Turkey in July 2018 by IOM, was mentioned as a good example by the European Training Foundation’s (ETF) report “Integrated provision of career and employment services for migrants and the host community” (as of page 68).

The mentioned programme was developed considering the needs and expectations of migrant and host community-owned businesses and workers; and implemented through a quadripartite agreement among the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services (MoFLSS) Directorate General of International Labour Force (DGILF), Turkish Employment Agency (İŞKUR) and Vocational Qualifications Authority (VQA) and IOM. Through a social cohesion driven lens combined with the human and labour dimension, it was aimed to create a shared environment between migrants and host communities with an induction intervention coupled with the harmonization of workers to workplaces. Besides, inter-institutional governance on labour market integration of foreigners was supported. In total, 60 beneficiaries from SuTPs and host community members were provided with access to the pre-employment.

As mentioned in the report as well, the specific objective of the practice was to promote labour market integration of SuTPs and host community members by encouraging closer relations with the business owners. It also aimed to enhance the basic knowledge and skills that support the employability of job seekers to make the process of adaptation to the labour market easier for both target groups. 

Through this programme, knowledge and awareness in social areas such as effective communication, teamwork, problem-solving, respect for diversity, multiculturalism, immigrant and refugee rights, social cohesion, gender equality, combating violence, environmental awareness was provided. 

Based on the positive feedback received from all the engaged parties, this programme re-implemented in 2019 and 2020 as well. Besides, as the employers realized the useful human power potential of migrants, they kept them in employment after the end of the programme as well. 

Additionally, this programme acts as an ice breaker as it broke down the prejudices of both employers and host society members and raised awareness of them towards migrants. The employers involved in the programme emphasized that they will continue to work with migrants.

The report could be reached through the below link.