IOM conducted an online meeting with Customs Enforcement Officers operating at Ankara Esenboga Airport, Istanbul Airport, and Antalya Airport on the 26th, 30th October, and 2nd November 2020 about passenger controls at the pilot airports. The meeting was aiming to discuss the content of the training curriculum and materials. The online meetings are aiming to improve passenger customs control procedures for domestic and international arrivals and departures procedures as well and on risk analysis and behavioral analysis in passenger controls.  During the meeting, the officers shared their experiences, observations on the sites, expressed their opinions, and recommendations on what kind of issues could be focused on specifically. The outcome of the activities is a tailor-made training curriculum and materials. Based on these documents, The Training of Trainers (ToT) and the cascaded operational training will be organized in the future to provide the continuity of these specific training and to deepen the knowledge of the customs officials on behavioral and risk analysis and operational aspects in passenger controls."