Within the scope of the “Harmonization and Social Cohesion Across Turkey Project”, is funded by the Eropean Union and jointly coordinated by IOM & DGMM, the “Preparatory Training for DGMM’s Migration Information Centers (MICs) Personnel” conducted between June 21 – 25 at the Point Hotel, Ankara. The training was based on providing designated personnel with general information on the rights and services available for the migrants in Turkey. This event has included a variety of training on different topics such as regulations and legislations on foreigners living in Turkey, Psychological First Aid / Stress management and psycho-social support activities for migrants in Turkey.

The training focused on providing information on consultancy services to migrants and informing beneficiaries about their rights in Turkey. Also, it is expected that the trained personnel will support awareness-raising of YIMER (call centre) services among migrant populations visiting the MICs. 

Participants were also trained and informed about monitoring and evaluation processes like data collection support and from now on will ensure, that the centres systematically register the data of beneficiaries seeking information services. Therefore, the MIC personnel will facilitate and support the implementation of the project activities in their communities as the workload of PDMMs is expected to increase considerably during the project implementation period.

Training has been completed on June 25th with a certificate ceremony, with the participation of IOM and DGMM representatives.