The International Organization for Migration (IOM) Labour Migration and Human Development (LHD) Unit, organized a training titled “Career Guidance for Migrants and Labour Market Integration”, on October 11-15, 2021.

The 5-days training has given within the scope of the “Public-Private Partnerships (PPP): Facilitating Legal Pathways for the International Labour Force in Turkey” Project, which is funded by the United Kingdom and implemented by IOM Turkey in close cooperation with Turkey’s Ministry of Labour and Social Security- Directorate General of International Labour Force (DGILF).

The training is aimed at vocational counsellors and municipality personnel at IOM Migrant Community/Migrant Services Centres within the related municipalities. It was aimed to enhance and support the performance of the job and vocational counsellors and municipal staff in order to provide effective and efficient support to the migrants of different statuses. The job and vocational counsellors working at the Migrant Centres are front-liners, which makes their voice essential and helpful to shape the labour market integration for migrants.

Besides the IOM and DGILF officials, representatives from Turkey’s Ministry of Interior-Directorate General of Migration Management, Turkey’s Employment Agency, Turkey’s Vocational Qualification Authority, Turkish Confederation of Tradesmen and Craftsmen and representatives from municipalities attended the training programme.