Representatives from the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Directorate General of Migration Management (DGMM) and International Organization for Migration (IOM), gathered virtually on the 4th of May 2021 to launch the closing meeting of the “Supporting Directorate General of Migration Management (DGMM) to Develop Alternatives to Immigration Detention (ATDs) System in Turkey” Project. Being the first standalone project on ATDs in Turkey, the Project has aimed to support DGMM in establishing and implementing an effective ATD program in Turkey. During the meeting, achievements of the project were shared and opportunities for future cooperation were discussed.

The objectives of the project were to contribute to the efforts of Turkey to address challenges arising from irregular migration with a human-rights based approach; support the efforts of the DGMM to adopt a financially sound ATD framework while safeguarding human rights, health, and welfare of migrants at the same time. Overall, the project will contribute to the implementation of Turkey’s Strategy Document and National Action Plan on Irregular Migration and article 57/A of the Law on Foreigners and International Protection (LFIP) with its seven foreseen alternatives to detention.

To achieve its objectives, three consultative meetings with the participation of representatives at the national, regional and international level have been held under the Project. Additionally, several assessment reports including legal analysis, cost analysis and feasibility analysis were conducted and a guideline for implementation of ATD measures were prepared under the project.