
IOM Welcomes Turkey’s New Regulation to Grant Work Permits to Syrians under Temporary Protection

Turkey - The Turkish government today (15/01) announced the new Regulation on Provision of Work Permits for People under Temporary Protection which will grant work permits to Syrians registered with the Directorate General of Migration Management (DGMM) and others under temporary protection in Turkey. 

“This is excellent news for both Turkey and the Syrians living in Turkey.  It provides vulnerable people with a legal avenue to be able to financially support their families – something that is a priority for most of us.  There is still work to be done, but this is a welcome step towards integrating Syrians into the labour market,” said Lado Gvilava, IOM Turkey Chief of Mission. 

IOM Turkey is committed to our ongoing partnership with the DGMM and the Ministry of Labour and Social Security to strengthen Turkey’s migration management policies. We work closely with the Turkish government to advise and support on the drafting and implementation of migration-related legislation and policies,” Gvilava added.

As part of that ongoing cooperation, in October 2015, IOM Turkey, in close coordination with the Turkish Government, launched an 18-month project supporting labour migration in Turkey. Funded by the UK Embassy, the project strengthens institutional capacity to combat irregular migration, labour exploitation, human trafficking and to promote the registered employment of foreigners in Turkey. 

The project’s first phase – a situational analysis and a sectorial needs analysis- is nearing completion. The situational analysis assessed how Turkey’s current and pending legislation complies with international norms of labour migration management. The sectorial needs analysis examined demand for foreign labour in various regions and sectors in Turkey.  Findings from both analyses are planned to be publically available in February. 

The project will also build capacity of those directly involved in labour migration management, promote registered employment of foreigners living in Turkey, and raise awareness of the risks and dangers of irregular labour migration.