For Her Family

Ehsan, a hardworking young mother of four, is an outstanding member of her community in Koknaya Camp, northwest Syria. She has been residing there for two years after being displaced from her home city.

She is an active participant in community governance structures and women’s leadership and a strong, well-known advocate for women’s empowerment and improvement of living conditions in the camp.

Ehsan was elected as a “Community Leader” for 27 households through elections held to appoint leaders representing their sectors. She received incredible support and encouragement from the camp management and her community.

The camp management represented by Ataa – IOM’s implementing partner in Syria, supports governance and participation structures through community engagement, which is at the heart of support and assistance provided to the population. In addition, the camp management provides trainings to committees to promote gender inclusion.

Ehsan is constantly seeking to improve the living conditions of the camp residents: she regularly meets with her community members and actively coordinates and communicates with the camp management. She listens to her neighbours’ needs and challenges and strives to work towards solutions.

She is also an active member of the Women’s Protection Committee, which aims to empower women through awareness-raising sessions on topics such as gender equality, gender-based violence, early marriage, family planning, and the importance of education.

Ehsan is also a talented artist, who is fond of sculpting and drawing and who inspires others to express themselves through art. She is a dedicated mother and wife who provides for her family by selling women’s apparel. She is committed to providing her children with a quality education; she is very proud they receive the highest marks in their class. Through her art, leadership, and advocacy within her community, she has become a role model for her children and other camp residents.

Thanks to SCHF funding, IOM and its implementing partners were able to coordinate sectorial assistance in the camps, implement basic care and maintenance activities, identify and report about gaps, and support governance and community engagement activities, which are critical for the voices of the displaced populations to be heard.