Welcome to the International Women’s Day Event of IOM Turkey. This year on International Women's Day we stress the “Migrant Women in Covid-19 World: Achievements, Challenges and Building Equal Future." Today, % 48,8 of international migrants are female. Women migrate for various reasons. They pursue professional or educational opportunities and a better life. An estimate of 495 million jobs has been lost worldwide during the COVID19 pandemic. 68 million women migrant workers are especially vulnerable; the implications of the pandemic have widened current forms of discrimination.  Thus, the well-being of migrant women has been seriously impacted. Women are pioneers of change and contributors to societies; they reshape norms, ideas and behaviours; bringing diverse talent and expertise, allowing economies to thrive. Migrant women have higher labour force participation rates (%72,7) than non-migrants. Access to full and reliable information can save lives by providing women with the knowledge needed. To build an equal, sustainable future we must empower all women and leave no one behind!  



  • World Migration Report, IOM, 2020 
  • ILO Global Estimates on International Migrant Workers: Results and Methodology, ILO, 2017 
  • ILO Global Estimates on International Migrant Workers: Results and Methodology, ILO, 2015  
  • Migration Data Portal, migrationdataportal.org, International Organization for Migration