IOM Türkiye conducts a broad range of research to enhance the evidence base on migration, strengthen its ability to understand and address migration challenges effectively, and promote evidence-based policymaking and dialogue. 

To gain multi-layered information on the presence, locations, mobility, migration routes, vulnerabilities, and needs of displaced and mobile populations, IOM has been implementing its global Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) system since 2016. DTM aims to ensure that information and data on the presence and flows of migrant/refugee/displaced populations are collected and corroborated in accordance with the applicable procedures while improving information management capacities. Through the collection of evidence-based data, DTM enables decision-makers and humanitarian partners to maximize their resources and deliver efficient, better-targeted humanitarian and post-crisis programmes. In addition, IOM has a well-established data collection mechanism of primary and secondary data on mixed migration flows, producing regular products on mixed migration flows to, within and from Türkiye. 

IOM has a Letter of Understanding (LoU) with the Presidency of Migration Management (PMM), which paved the way for the Migrant Presence Monitoring (MPM) programme, jointly coordinated by IOM and PMM. 

In response to the February 2023 earthquakes, IOM conducted Neighbourhood and Site Mapping, as well as needs assessments of vulnerable populations. These assessments aimed to collect detailed data on displaced individuals, shelter arrangements, accessibility of sites and multi-sectoral needs – including food, health, livelihoods, protection, water, sanitation and hygiene. 

Aside from DTM, IOM is exploring the potential of alternative data sources, such as social media and remote sensing data, which offer unique insights into migration and mobility patterns that can complement conventional data collection methods. 

Overall, IOM Türkiye is committed to filling data gaps across various thematic areas, with the aim of providing a more nuanced view of migration that informs policy development and delivery. 

In early 2023, IOM Türkiye embarked on a mission to enhance its data and research efforts. This initiative is geared towards strengthening its ability to understand and address migration challenges effectively.  

The primary focus of the initiative is to foster collaboration across its mission. By bringing together various departments and field offices, creating a united front for data collection and management. This not only streamlines operations but also ensures a holistic grasp of migration patterns. 

Since 2016, IOM Türkiye has been running DTM within the country generating years of knowledge and experience in the area of migration research. Beyond DTM and other primary sources, IOM through this initiative is exploring the potential of alternative data sources. These alternative sources, such as social media and remote sensing data, offer unique insights into migration and mobility patterns that can complement conventional data collection methods. 

Understanding that comprehensive insights require ongoing efforts, IOM Turkiye is committed to filling data gaps across predefined thematic areas. By focusing on thematic areas where data are lacking, IOM aims to provide a more nuanced view of migration processes, which is vital for effective program delivery and policy development.