In Türkiye, advancing the integration of migrants into the labour market and their cohesion with local communities has become one of the defining issues of migration policymaking, especially in the aftermath of the Syrian Crisis. Through its programming, IOM believes that all people deserve the opportunity to earn an income, access services and be empowered in their communities. 

Amidst these migration flows, the Government of Türkiye (GoT) has made significant changes to its governance of international labour flows and protection of migrant workers. The Law on International Labour Force was enacted in August 2016, resulting in the establishment of the Directorate General of International Labour Force (DGILF) under the Ministry of Labour and Social Services (MoLSS). Since its establishment, DGILF has taken important steps to enhance Türkiye’s governance and regulation of labour migration, including issuing work permits to ensure the inclusion of international workers in the Turkish labour market; providing technical and administrative support to migrants to help navigate government regulations; and leading inter-agency coordination on labour migration issues. 

IOM has been supporting the government to develop a comprehensive and human rights-based labour migration management system. IOM partners closely with MOLSS to assess the foreign labour needs of Türkiye’s labour market to counter irregular migration, advocate for the rights and registered employment of migrant workers and promote formal employment. This work involves capacity development, support to improving policy and infrastructure, and support to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (both owned by migrants and host community members). 

Altogether, IOM’s programming leverages the power of well-managed migration to contribute to socioeconomic development in both origin and destination countries.